How can I access affordable rental housing in BC?
There’s no question that British Columbia faces an affordable housing crisis. This article features an interview with Jill Atkey, CEO of the BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA) to shed light on the topic of housing affordability and the options for accessing affordable housing in BC.
Published by Vancity.
5 Ways to Help Lower Your A1C That Go Beyond Diet
Lowering your risk for health complications is one of the most important things someone living with diabetes can do. Learn how to lower your A1C, and stay on track with your diabetes management plan, through movement, mindfulness, and self-care.
Published by Dexcom.
YouTube tags: The complete guide for marketers
YouTube tags are an important part of YouTube SEO. They help YouTube understand the content of your video and help your video show up in search results. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you everything you need to know about YouTube tags, including what they are and how to add them to your videos.
Published by Sprout Social.
Behind the Design Eye
Whether it’s a walk through the streets of Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, taking a swim in the Adriatic Sea, or sitting in a cafe watching the world move on by, the visual world is stored behind the designer’s eye. It is this memory stash that gives way to the ideas that become art, and the art that becomes fashion.
Published by JAC.
Why Entity-Based SEO is a New Way of Thinking About Optimization
SEO used to be defined by the number of keywords and keyword synonyms across your website’s content. These days, Google has more systems to identify the true meaning of keyword searches and queries. By categorizing ideas into “entities,” Google revolutionized its search proficiency.
Published by Neil Patel.
What the RED Academy Bankruptcy Means for Digital Marketing Education in Canada
In March of 2020, RED Academy announced bankruptcy on a Zoom call with its staff. Now, a more serious approach to digital marketing training is what’s needed to shape the future of our industry.
Published by Marketing News Canada.
Where are the women in your C-Suite.
In Canada, women make up only 43 of the 538 named executive officers the largest publicly traded corporations. In this blog, I'll explain the gender gap in C-level positions alongside ways we can better support the female leaders in our ranks.
Published by Brandcamp Digital.
Tips for Self-Editing, With Words from EVENT’s Editor
Self-editing is your first line of defence before you send your work off to a professional editor. Grammar, punctuation, spelling, and tense issues will ideally be corrected before you ask for professional help. Hannah Macready speaks with writer, professor, and editor Shashi Bhat about her own tactics for exceptional self-editing.
Published by EVENT Magazine.